Project structure
H2Atlas-Africa Project is a joint initiative funded by the BMBF. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH explores together with 15 West African countries (ECOWAS member states) and 16 Southern African countries (SADC member states) the potentials of green hydrogen production in the African regions. The entire project is managed and coordinated by Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. The 15 member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) will be coordinated by the West African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adapted Land use (WASCAL). In the Southern Africa region, Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) will serve as regional coordination point of the 16 Southern African countries.
In each country there is a project national team composed of about 5 persons selected from different relevant agencies. The national team coordinates the project at the national level ensuring local data collection, mobilization and sensitization. This team reports to the regional technical committee that collates on inputs from the different countries. The technical committee represents the interests of the region both technically and otherwise. This is also reflected in the make up of the committee which interacts with the German project team based in Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH for the project implementation.
Tasks of the regional technical committees:
- Represent the regions technically and in every other issue related to the project.
- Collect, review and ratify all data from the region needed for the atlas.
- Organize all regional meetings- sensitization/mobilization/validation workshops and seminars.
- Mobilize support from all stakeholders . Oversee the national teams to ensure maximum support at country level.
- Report to BMBF through the project coordinator.
- Provide input and participate in all decisions regarding the current project and the follow-up phases.
Left figure: Project Organization Chart, Right figure: Functional structure of the project